"This is all some sort of scam. It has to be. Some sort of scam."
"If it is, then who is running it?"
"I don't know, maybe some sort of underground uber-intelligent-super-race. You know like smart people, living underground and controlling us."
"But why would they do that? What would this uber super race need with us? We are all just ignorant idiots, what good is it to have us around, consuming, destroying and polluting their world."
"Well, maybe they can't alter this dimension. Maybe they need us to alter our surroundings so that finally, one day we will have figured out how to reach their dimension and help them cross."
"If they are so smart, then why cant they figure out how to cross dimensions and we can?"
"Well, they DO know how, but you need a person(being) in both dimensions to make dimension skipping work."
"So, this uber race is stuck in another dimension and they need us to free them?"
"Not really."
"Then what are we here for?"
"To help them cross dimensions. Not to set them free, but to help them cross."
"You see, our meaning of life is to help the super uber race. And their meaning of life is to cross dimensions. They need to cross, not just to get to the other side, but to give us a purpose in life. They need to cross, not just to find another dimension, but to cross for the sake of crossing."
"So, let me get this straight? The chicken crossed the road, not to get to the other side, but it was his purpose in life to cross the road?"
"Not really."
"Then what?"
"It was our purpose in life to construct the road for the chicken to cross. The chicken crossing is just a result of our road building. Meaning that we needed to build the road in order to ask the question "why did the chicken cross the road?". The chicken simply crosses the road because his purpose in life is to be a chicken under the influence of humans. Although, this statement does not apply to all chickens throughout time, only this particular chicken.
Chickens are simple creatures and that was a bad analogy to begin with."
"So, then what should i do with my life? Try to cross dimensions so i can hopefully help the super race in their purpose."
"So, then should i just live my life to the fullest, considering i will never change anything?"
"So, then should i try to follow the uber race's influence and just go with the flow of a modern day ignorant human destroying, polluting, ruining and eating McDonald's?"
"So, then what should i do?"
"Build a road."
"For what?"
"For the chicken to cross."