triangles and sandstone
a quarter-sized pebble
no wait
silver dollar, black
drifting along crests and valleys
whitecaps and acid rain
this is the ocean
this is time
these are the slow motion vehicles
of glaciers
lifting you up
laying you down on the cold ocean floor
ready for escape at any time
you pause
and stalk your way down the hall
for fear of sounding too profound
I toss in a fact
to throw you off
now a grain of sand
and useless
you are a mere vote
in this great democracy
this great desert
when once, long ago
you were special
a pebble laying on a stipple print beach
magnified dots per inch
you were chosen
the hands of a child
first learning to skip stones
wrapped their tiny fingers around your flesh
warming your soul, caressing it's figure
life is starting over
as the molten rivers
connect you to a new future